Guiding Principles

We have decided to embark on the creation of a visual language system to fill the gap between our design standards and the multitude of platforms, devices, and other mediums through which our content is distributed. While we recognize that there may be variability in the specifics of delivery, we will use the following principles to communicate our identity and guide our designs:

  • Collaborative and Connected: Our Network is diverse yet unified for a single purpose around a shared mission. Through our commitment to collaboration, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Our designs support that sum by being coordinated and purposeful; no single design should be created in isolation.

  • Evidence-based and Science-informed: Our Network is committed to promoting the highest standards of evidence-based practice across child serving systems. The care that we provide, and the resources and information that we develop, are grounded in an understanding of the current science. Our designs are clear and direct, and no element should be over-stylized or eclipse the content.

  • Innovative and Responsive: Our Network continually innovates, to move scientific advances from theory to practice, and we are responsive to the emerging needs of the diverse communities we serve. Our designs are timeless yet contemporary and are accessible and inclusive of diverse cultures, developmental stages, and perspectives.

  • Compassionate and Courageous: Our Network is driven by passion and compassion to shine a spotlight on this serious and under-recognized public health challenge. Our work instills hope and understanding, so vulnerable children and families feel they are not alone. Our designs convey both the seriousness of childhood trauma and a sense of hope, caring, and a positive future.

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